
Greetings! My name is Elizabeth Wonder Lee. I am a TV/Film and stage creative based in New York City. Through my training in the BFA Acting program at Florida State University, I molded my passion for performance and storytelling into a craft. As a Georgia native, my artistry is built on the foundation of the eclectic, rich, and eloquent theater community of Atlanta. Through my beautiful family and church, I was taught empathy through action at a young age. As I continue to grow, I practice and observe empathy in my community and across the diaspora. As a black storyteller, I am passionate about the humanity and variety of our stories! The mystery, action, romance, fantasy, thrill, comedy, and drama of our stories!  By using voice, imagination, movement, and collaboration, I approach acting and performance through a grounded, trusting, and explorative lens. I live by the quote, “There is magic in the things only you can do.” The magic in me honors the magic in you!

Let’s get to work. ☆